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The bioclimatic arched house

We use our extensive knowledge to deliver you a building for the 21st century:  

  • High energy performance
  • Fully integrated into its environment
  • Hyper-customizable
  • Simple and fast construction processes
  • Local materials and know-how 100% from FRANCE.

Are you ready to enter the era of affordable and aesthetic eco-construction?

A very high energy


NaturaDome is a bioclimatic house, which is naturally heated in winter by its large glass surfaces and cooled in summer thanks to it’s position beneath a 100% planted canopy. As a result, you consume little or no electricity for heating and cooling.


living comfort

  • Curves, welcoming and soothing are found inside, in the living spaces.  
  • High ceilings for the first generation of houses, adjustable heights for the second generation. The priority remains the same: your well-being.
  • Excellent soundproofing: the green roof added to a thick layer of insulation effectively protects you from noise pollution.
  • Effective earthquake protection thanks to the vegetative roof

An ecologically

responsible design

We have developed a unique construction process that combines aesthetics, environmental awareness and cost reduction.  

  • simplification of the construction process
  • use of recycled resources and on-site materials
  • recycled metal structure from the aeronautics industry
  • insulation materials from wood chips
  • carbon balance: 300 kg of CO2 sequestered per m2 of living space
  • significant energy savings thanks to a thermal performance much higher (up to 50%) than that required by the environmental regulation RE 2020

Your environment

in landscape

Inspired by organic architecture, NaturaDome is a building that integrates perfectly with its surroundings.  

With the earth extracted to vegetate the canopy, we shape your land, enhancing interesting views and blocking out obtrusive views.  

Our buildings are particularly suitable for areas with environmental protection or strict landscape regulations.

100% customizable


  • Your interior space is your image: loft, vintage or contemporary style for NaturaDome 1st generation; in natural and ultra-cosy "cocoon" mode for the 2nd generation.  
  • Possibility of building a carport, a cellar or a wine cellar based on the principle of cave dwellings.  
  • Ranges adapted to all types of buildings: public buildings, industrial buildings, agricultural buildings, professional premises, offices...



With NaturaDome, there is no need to break the bank to become the owner of an ecological and atypical house: our first price (in local area) is comparable to those of traditional constructions meeting the environmental regulation RE 2020.  

See our price ranges

Thanks to our usage of innovative bioclimatic construction techniques, NaturaDome can adapt to your budget, your desires... and create spaces where you feel good !

Where can you build

a NaturaDome house?

The land must be located in a buildable zone registered in the PLU or RNU. We adapt to all configurations, but land with trees, slopes (up to 15%), and on the edge of a building zone are preferred.

Learn more

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Zone d'activité - 65220 LALANNE-TRIE - France

Naturadream une marque du groupe Pomès-Darré